At Wholesel, we unequivocally stand behind the excellence of every product we offer. In order to guarantee your satisfaction, we extend a comprehensive 10-day Refund and Return policy. Should you encounter any issues, such as fitting concerns, damages, or defects within 10 days from the delivery date, simply inform us. Our commitment is to deliver a seamless experience, affording you the choice of a refund credited to your payment source (Credit Card/Debit Card/Net Banking/UPI) or a replacement, tailored to your convenience and preference. Notably, you won’t incur any expenses associated with the return shipment to Wholesel’s designated address.
Before initiating a refund and return request, please ensure that all accompanying items, including the product invoice, shipping label, product labels, and tags, are returned in an intact condition. Any tampering with these items under any circumstances is strictly proscribed.
It is imperative to note that all items for return must be unworn and unused, maintaining their original condition with all tags and packaging intact. Items subjected to damage or alteration post tag removal may regrettably not be accepted and will be promptly returned to the customer.
To commence a refund or return request, kindly communicate with us via email at, providing a detailed explanation for the return. Additionally, please attach images and videos of the product(s) or product unboxing when corresponding with us.
Subsequent to this communication, a third-party courier service will arrange the pickup of your package within 3-5 business days under standard circumstances. The possibility of order cancellation is contingent upon specific circumstances, including technical glitches in the order, alterations in price or content due to a website update, verification stage for Cash on Delivery (COD) orders with potential return, stock unavailability, production delays, or any other reasons deemed pertinent by the company from time to time. It is paramount to understand that the company’s decision regarding order cancellation is conclusively binding. We continuously strive to provide a seamless shopping experience and appreciate your understanding in these matters.
Call Us: +91-7409979289
(Available from 10 AM to 7 PM)
Email Us :
Address: 1, G-65,Shiv Ram Park ,Nangloi West Delhi Nangloi New Delhi 41 New Delhi Delhi 110041 India